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MN Inter-County Association
MICA is a nonprofit representing 15 of Minnesota's larger and faster growing counties.

Request for Proposal: Government Affairs Representative for Transportation and Capital Budget



The Minnesota Inter-County Association (MICA) is seeking a government affairs representative to cover transportation policy and funding, primarily at the Minnesota State Legislature, the Minnesota Executive Branch and state departments and transportation advocacy groups.  The position is structured as a year-round independent contract, working under the direction of the MICA executive director. 


MICA is a nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 2 county commissioners from each of its 15 member counties, which include:  Benton, Blue Earth, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Olmsted, Rice, St. Louis, Scott, Sherburne, Stearns, Washington, and Winona Counties.  More information about the organization can be found on its web site at


Government Affair Representative Duties and RFP Submission Procedure

  1. The Transportation government affairs consultant represents the association and its member counties at the State Legislature, various state departments, the governor’s office, local governments on transportation issues and capital budget matters pursuant to legislative recommendations adopted by the association’s board of directors and direction provided by the association’s board of directors and county administrators (managers) and county engineers committees. 
  1. Currently, MICA has three contract lobbyists, each covering a specific topic area.  The transportation representative is part of this team, meeting each month with the Board of Directors and separately, with two MICA Committees.  The transportation consultant meets with the County Administrators and the County Engineers committees each month.  Following the conclusion of the legislative session, the government affairs representative will along with the executive director and the association’s other government affairs representatives annually present a “Legislative Report” to each of the individual 15-MICA member County Boards of Commissioners
  1. Under the direction of the MICA County Engineers Committee with the subsequent approval of the County Administrators Committee and the Board of Directors and the oversight of the executive director, the government affairs representative prepares the association’s annual Legislative Recommendations in the areas of transportation and capital budget.  Every other year, the government affairs representative will assist the director in preparing Legislative Priorities for transportation and the capital budget to inform legislative candidates of the association’s priority issues.
  1. The government affairs representative meets with legislators and members of the state administration, prepare testify or coordinate testimony of county officials to advance the association’s legislative recommendations, and attend meetings and otherwise monitors legislative and administrative actions on transportation and capital budget issues of concern to the association. 
  1. The government affairs representative is responsible for preparing a weekly Legislative Update while the Legislature is in session and an annual End of Session Report to inform the association’s member counties’ staffs and commissioners of legislative actions and the status of transportation and capital budget issues.  The governmental affairs representative will otherwise inform the county engineers, administrators and board of directors of transportation and capital budget issues as necessary and will respond to questions, and pursue research or analysis as related to supporting advocacy efforts for transportation and capital budget legislation, current laws and policies.
  1. At the direction of the executive director, the government affairs consultant represents the association on transportation and capital budget issues with the public and the media and engages in other necessary actions to advance the association’s transportation and capital budget recommendations.
  1. Administrative support is provided by the association, including the preparation and distribution of printed materials and electronic communication.  A shared e-mail account is provided to support the work related to representing MICA transportation and capital budget concerns.
  1. The government affairs representative is an independent contractor.  The association does not provide regular office facilities for the government affairs representative or dictate regular work hours.  The association does not provide any health insurance, pension or other benefits.  The government affairs representative is responsible for all taxes relating to their compensation.  Compensation is paid monthly over the entire year. 
  1. The government affairs representative cannot represent another clients whose objectives would be in conflict with the association’s and must inform the Executive Director of all current and future clients.
  1. Please submit you proposal, including compensation expectations and a current client list to:

Matt Massman, Executive Director,

Minnesota Inter-County Association

161 St. Rondo Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103


via e-mail to: on or before 4:30 p.m. on June 21, 2024

It is the policy of the Minnesota Inter-County Association to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, sex, handicap, marital status, sexual or affectional orientation, public assistance status, or national origin.  This policy applies to all phases of association business including, but not limited to, selection, termination, rates of compensation, the use of all facilities and participation in all MICA sponsored activities.


2024 © Minnesota Governmental Relations Council | 380 St. Peter Street | Suite 1050 | St. Paul, MN 55102| United States | 612-682-7826